Health: TACT aims to maintain the highest level of occupational health and to ensure that our employees and contractors suffer no harm as a result of our activities. Preventive measures to maintain exemplary occupational health and safety are taken at every step of the work process to avoid accidents and near misses, which may cause injury, damage machinery, destroy materials or impact the environment.
Safety: TACT pays special attention to the quality and safety of all products and services provided to ensure that they conform to all applicable legislation, regulations, standards and approved codes. TACT’s professionals are the company’s assets; hence their safety is imperative and extra precautions are taken to ensure safe practices for the protection of personnel, equipment and customer property.
Environment: TACT’s goal is to strictly prevent harm to the environment and apply environmentally friendly procedures in all aspects of its business. We monitor our performance across a range of environmental indicators and benchmark our progress. TACT adheres to stringent control measures that ensure any harm to the environment is minimized to the lowest practical levels, while meeting or exceeding the best Canadian and international
standards and applicable norms. As an environmentally conscious firm, TACT displays an earnest responsibility towards the conservation and preservation of our natural habitat by complying with all applicable relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice and permits.